Friday, September 22, 2006


saN-zhermaN´-dA-prA, for those wondering (like me) on how to pronounce this area of Paris.

Some good info on the area can be found here.

A nice synopisis of the area would point out that it's considered the Latin Quarter in Paris and is famous for it's artistic associations and bohemian life-style. Tourists seem to love it for its cafe's and it's also known for being one of the centers of existentialism.

There's a cool video of the area which you can find here and here. Check it out to get an idea of the look of this interesting area of Paris.

Plenty more pics of you want to Google search them as well. Take some time and find out more about this great little area in Paris that inspired such great music!

Oh, and I've also put a link to some information on Martin Ellerby in the Links section over there on the right.

More to come on such great topics as Impressionism! Keep checking in.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

La Vie Boheme!

That sounds like a very creative area--all those authors! Wow! Everybody check out the sweet video clips, they're short and quite fun. Second one has music! And plus it's Paris, and Paris is a wonderful place because they have this OPERA HOUSE, you see...*giggles* Anyone know how far Saint Germain is from the Paris Opera? Can we take a field trip? Though you may lose me over there, if anyone lets me near the Opera House. There's a hollow pillar in Box Five on the Grand Tiere, you see! *giggles again* Do tell if you know what I'm talking about and wish to join me.

1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet! The world's first coffehouse is there! I have a new appreciation for the piece. :)

7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i definitely enjoyed playing the paris sketches today. i think hilden hit the nail on the head talking about how the song is about all of the different sounds and actions of the city. being able to express a living vibrant place full of life, charm, and character such as paris will be interesting and challenging. it will be even better now that hilden has the score. ha.

6:57 PM  

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